Due to popular request, we are providing a Free 1-day (total 5 hours) Property Workshop for foreigners
in Singapore.
Why free? Partly indebtedness! If foreigners (like this website provider - TRIPOD) can provide
me, a foreigner, such a fantastic free service for such a long period , what is this that I cannot do in return?
Besides, it will certainly also benefit the business of my team in the long run. Our sponsors share the same sentiment.
Our objective is to educate foreigners and help them understand the basic laws, the common arrangements
and procedures for property transaction in Singapore. The Laws here strongly protects property buyers.
Participants will not only understand the basic Residential Property Act regarding foreign ownership,
Housing Developers (Control & Licensing Act) that governs the transaction of properties by developers (Primary Market)
and The Law Society Conditions of Sale that is extensively adopted for sale and purchase of private properties in the secondary
(resale) market, participants will also learn how to avaoid the same costly mistakes that lead others to litigation.
Topics will cover:
1) The Residential Property Act (Foreign Ownership)
2) The Housing Developers (Control & Licensing Act)
3) Conveyancing And Law of Property Act (Cap 61)
4) The Law Society of Singapore Conditions of Sale.
5) Option to Purchase (for secondary market)
6) Standard Option to Purchase (Developers Properties)
7) Payment Schemes
8) Liabilities, forfeitures, damages and recourse.
9) How to qualify sellers and buyers.
10) Price and project comparision analysis.
11) Loan Financing and estimate.
12) Free Property Tour (when available)
13) Troubleshoot Checklists.
Upon completion of the workshop participants will receive a Certificate. Anyone above age 18
can attend.
The provision of Troubleshoot Checklists is an added monitoring system for use not available
elsewhere. It will help to caution the user and recap impportant legal issues at a glance and provide quick reference for
necessary actions to be taken or avoid.
If available, a property tour for participants to view some of the latest projects (local or
foreign) will be included. Free air-con coach and free lunch will be provided for local tour! Those who wish to buy any property
will be given special pakage discount.
Those who qualify to become our Business Development Associates will be rewarded for referring
clients to participating agents if their clients eventually purchased or sold any property through the same participating